Etta Stobs-Stobart

Etta Stobs-Stobart

Executive Manager
Tropic Skincare

Etta Stobs-Stobart

Tropic Skincare

It was back in 2018 shortly after I launched Miller & Keane, that I was first introduced to Etta.  We were both at a networking group and I was fascinated to hear her talk about this new, natural skincare brand, Tropic Skincare.  Shortly afterwards she was hosting a Tropic event and invited me along to showcase my candles and that was the beginning of a lovely friendship.

Etta, I am so inspired by how you balance a busy life with Tropic, guiding and supporting so many wonderful ladies as they run their Tropic businessess … and stilal manage to always stay so calm and serene! Thank you for coming on here and sharing how you do this with us!

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and your journey to where you are today?

Yes of courese. As you know, my name is Etta and I live in Harpenden with my husband, David and Tibetan Terrier, Toby.  We have two children, Luke (19) and Olivia (21). 

Back in 2005, following an invitation to attend a Pampered Chef cooking party, a friend suggested I give it a go and become a consultant as I was looking for work to fit around my young family.

With a background in catering, I felt I had nothing to lose in trying out the party plan business and become a consultant for the Pampered Chef.  Undoubtedly, one of the best decisions I have ever made……

I ran a successful business with the Pampered Chef for 12 years until they pulled out of the UK.  I was introduced to Tropic Skincare by a Pampered Chef colleague who was enjoying huge success in Norfolk and she encouraged me to give it a go.

How long have you been running your business?

I have been a brand ambassador for Tropic Skincare for 4 1/2 years – having joined in January 2017. 

What led you to decide to set up your own business?

I had always dreamt of working for myself!  However, the risks of setting up a business always seemed daunting.  Starting up as an ambassador for Tropic Skincare seemed the best of both worlds.  It is quick, simple and very affordable to join.  There are no targets or catches. The training, mentoring, coaching and resources available to me are excellent and they all come FREE!  

Fortune favours the brave!

Etta Stobs-Stobart

What do you love most about running your own business?

Running your own business can be very empowering and I love the confidence it has given me. 

Susie Ma (founder of Tropic) shared a quote that I found very powerful;  “we are the average of the five people we surround ourselves by”.   Positive energy is essential when working for yourself and you will want and need to surround yourself by like-minded people. 

Undoubtedly, the freedom to dictate your own working day is another aspect of my job that I love.  There is never a moment that I cannot fill with activities to help drive my business and I relish the challenge of making opportunities happen.

There must have been challenges along the way, can you share any and your learnings from these?

For those running their own businesses, it is hard to disengage.  It can be  24/7  if you are not careful.  This can put pressure on family life so self-discipline and making time for yourself and the family is vital.

You must also learn to manage the ‘lows’.  Rejection is ‘par for the course’.  Without the ‘lows’ you won’t grow and develop or enjoy the ‘highs’!

What tips would you give to people thinking of setting up their own business and do something they are passionate about?

My top tips would be to understand your WHY?  What do you want from your business?  Having a reason to drive you is key to working in direct sales.  We all fear stepping out of our comfort zone but this is essential if you start something new and challenging.  Having a big enough WHY will help you overcome your fear.

What keeps you energised during the difficult periods?

Reading inspirational books, watching TED talks and following business leaders helps to inspire me.  Having a vision board with images of my WHY definitely keeps me energised and focused.

Who or what inspires you?

My colleague and mentor from my Pampered Chef days remains my most powerful inspiration.  At a time when I had no self-belief, she gave me hers!  I was able to overcome my anxiety and lack of confidence and would have given up, without her support and complete belief in me.

What would be the one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to follow their passion and set up their own business?

Whether you wish to sell a service or a tangible product, you must first build trust and gain confidence.  You must never SELL!  Simply share your knowledge, enthusiasm and passion.  It is for the customer to then decide if it is for them.

If you could have any superpower, what would you pick and why?

Mind reading!  Customer care and personal communication with customers is an important part of growing and building a business.  Mobile phones are a curse as you never quite know the right time to call someone.  I would love to be a mind reader and know when exactly is the right time!

How had the pandemic affected your business? Have you needed to pivot or change in any way?

Meeting new people is key to growing a business so COVID was a huge challenge.    However, the company doubled in size as demand for the products rocketed.  Many people found themselves furloughed and with time on their hands they applied to become ambassadors for the brand.  I therefore spent a lot of more of my time supporting, training and mentoring new ambassadors.  We had to learn to adapt to the virtual world using WhatsApp, zoom and social media to run events and give presentations.  These were skills I now find a huge asset to my business.

This has been really amazing, thanks so much Etta.
Where can people find you and learn more about joining Tropic? 

My website: 

Or of course you are very welcome to join my VIP group where I share personal special offers for my customers as well as all the latest promotions on offer from Tropic.