Cathy Dowden

Nonie White


Nonie White

Founder | A Mother

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and your journey to where you are today?

Hello, thank you so much for having me Cathy!

My name is Nonie and I am the mother of a 6 and a 4 year old. I used to be a documentary film maker but when I was about to become a mother I realised that career wasn’t going to work around the family life I hoped to have. I took a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship to explore other ways I could make a positive social impact and then tried to set up my first business around having my first child. I failed miserably! I was lonely, confused and overwhelmed. My training was did not speak to the unique challenges I was experiencing, I needed a community of people who understood.

For my second business, I created A Mother Brand – a platform specifically aimed at connecting & supporting like-mothers who want to create sustainable businesses they love, around their families.  I soon realised how easy it is for mothers to burn out and/or give up on their dreams, so I studied Positive Psychology, the Science of Wellbeing and this infuses all of the teachings within the platform. I believe that looking after your WHOLE self and trying to optimise your wellbeing is the only way to build the sustainable business and life you want.

What led you to decide to set up your own business?

For me, setting up my own business is all about the freedom to be the mother I want to be and do work that I love. I was never truly aligned with my work until I started working for myself.

During my first career I could not take time off for a doctor’s appointment without feeling like I was jeopardising my job, so I didn’t want that fear or lack of control in my life once I had children. This way I get the best of both worlds. I get to choose exactly what I am working on, how, when and with whom I work and I still do all the pick-ups & drop offs for my children and get to attend the school plays etc. without ever worrying about what ‘my boss’ might think.

To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man,”

Nonie White

What do you love most about running your own business?

I love the freedom. I love the learning new things every day. I love meeting like-minded people. I cherish the possibility of every new day / week / month.

 There must have been challenges along the way, can you share any and your learnings from these?

There have been so many challenges along the way! Some have been life-lessons but most ever-present of these challenges have been about mindset. They say that 80% of success is your mindset and only 20% is actually, execution.

For me, working on my mindset is a daily practice. I have a short morning routine of exercise, yoga, meditation, visualisation, journaling, and positive affirmations. I love the latter so much I even created my own decks of affirmation cards to share with others.  I don’t do all of this every morning but I always try and do some of it. I relish a bit of ‘me’ time before my kids come bounding at me for breakfast and it sets me up for the day with a positive mindset, some calm and a considered intention for the day ahead. 

The other top learning I’ve had is the importance of surrounding yourself with a like-minded community. You can start your own business alone but it’s going to take much longer, be much harder and you’re more likely to give up. When you connect in regularly with a like-minded community (even if only on Zoom or a facebook group) you really support your mindset and your wellbeing. The negative chatter in your mind subsides and no longer feel alone but supported, seen and amongst your tribe.

What tips would you give to people thinking of setting up their own business and do something they are passionate about? 

Find your passion, discover, and harness your unique strengths and get really clear on your ‘why’ – how you’re going to do what you care about in your work, which is your ‘purpose.’

Find your niche early and make it tight. Do the maths at the beginning so you know how you’re going to make money and when. Find your people and connect with them frequently.

 What keeps you energised during the difficult periods?

Sleep! Self-care and reminding myself of my passions, my purpose and my strengths.

If you could go back and give advice to your past self at the beginning of this journey – what would it be?

Tell people about what you’re doing. Don’t be afraid to sound silly, when you talk about your dreams, they become more real and more likely to come true.

Notice when fear is holding you back and don’t put off launching. You’re never going to feel ‘ready’ but once you make your business live you can get feedback and start iterating.

Who or what inspires you?

My children. My peers. Classic literature.

To find out more, visit and follow Nonie on her website and social media

