Image of Kate Cohen

Kate Cohen

It’s Our Planet Too

Founder | It’s Our Planet Too

Hi Katie, Thank you so much for coming on to share your story!. Can you please tell us a little bit about your background and what led you to setting up your own business? 

 The idea for It’s Our Planet Too came about many years ago when I had a crazy busy job in London – a life that feels a millions years away from now! Having studied Environmental Science at university, I had an idea for a website about the environment aimed at children., so I registered a few domain names, doodled a logo and forgot about it!

 A few years went by and gone was the London commute and the busy job, to be replaced by a toddler, a baby and a completely new life as a parent. Inspired by all the children’s books I was reading every day (and to keep my brain ticking over), I started to write stories about endangered animals. I never intended to write in rhyme but these were the books that I and my children loved, so I decided to give it a go.

 With both children now at school, the time had really come to either get a proper job or try and build a business around It’s Our Planet Too. So armed with 11 rough and ready poems and an idea, I set out to build a child-friendly website to inspire and educate our children.

Image of eco icons

What has been your biggest challenge? Or greatest achievement?

There has been so many challenges… building a brand from scratch with little or no budget, teaching myself how to build a website, finding an illustrator that could bring the animals in my poems to life, putting myself and my brand ‘out there’, getting to grips with social media… the list is endless… 

However, the biggest challenge is and will continue to be working out how to monetise my idea… Will I be able to create a sustainable branded product that appeals to a big enough audience? Let’s see what 2020 brings! 

Running your own business can be tough – what keeps you motivated each day? 

The obvious dream of running my own business that fits around the demands of family life, but that’s not enough on it’s own – it has to be something I care about… 

Now nine and seven, my children are growing up in a world facing very real challenges. Their generation is starting to take notice of our impact on the environment and I hope that reading these little rhymes or the facts or top tips will go some small way towards helping them understand the importance of taking care of our planet.

That’s really what motivates me.

You’re incredibly passionat about our planet and highling Climate change, which is so important and has been for a long time.

Yes, Climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and will affect us all, worryingly the next generation… our children. 

Together we need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, stop rainforest destruction and get power from renewable sources BUT we also need to make changes in our everyday lives to lessen our impact on the climate. Here are a few ideas… 

💚 Cycle, scoot or walk instead of driving. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

💚 Reduce and reuse as much as possible. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

💚 Air dry your clothes  instead of using a tumble dryer.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

💚 Cut down on meat and dairy and eat seasonal products. 

The key is to remember that we can’t change the fate of our planet on our own but when we all come together, the impact can be huge. 


Where can people find out more about your fab business?

For more ideas on how to reduce our impact on climate change, visit our website below

There are lots of  FREE resources and colouring sheets for your little ones, sign up at

 We’d LOVE to see you on our social media too! 

Instagram:       @its_our_planet_too

Facebook:      @itsourplanettoo


Eco website, It's Our Planet Too