3 Steps to Find and Engage With Your Ideal Client on Social Media

The aim of posting content in social media is of course to attract new potential clients for your business. Whether you are selling a product or service, social media is time consuming and we put the work in because it is a powerful tool in our marketing strategy. 

But are your posts reaching the right audience?

By now you should have a clear idea of who your ideal client is (if you don’t check out our ideal client blog here).   

Once you have your ideal client profile mapped out, it’s important to invest time to find and engage with them on social media.


Here are the three top tips to doing just that:

1. Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to find people to connect with on social media. Whether it’s Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook,  by adding them into each and every post you increase the chances of it being seen by the audience you want to see it. 

Female Entrepreneurs

Start by searching local hashtags if your business is based in a fixed location geographically (hairdresser, gift shop, baker etc. ) or if location is not limited, then search for hashtags based on your dream customer’s interests

Put yourself into their shoes and think about what they are looking for on social media. If your ideal client is a parent, then they may be looking up recipes for toddlers or if they are a young male, their interests may be in sport or fast cars.

Think outside the box and create several buckets of hashtags that you can try out with different posts.

2. Posts

Go into the hashtags that you’ve chosen and follow these hashtags to find posts from your ideal client. This will given you an idea of who is viewing this content. 

Connect with them by leaving a comment that’s more than four words on their posts. This not only pleases the algorithm, but shows that you are genuinely interested or knowledgeable in this area.

3. Direct Message (DM)

DMs are a great way to build trust with your followers as it allows for one-on-one conversation. Before you dive into the dm’s though, it’s a good idea to build a relationship with your ideal client. Try commenting on 3-5 of their posts, responding to their stories, or sharing their articles for a week or two prior to sending a DM. 

Doing this will help to build up a relationship and give you something more specific to talk about.

We hope you enjoyed this blog and feel free to share it with a friend or on social media if you think it will help others. 

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