7 Simple Steps To Get More Out Of Your Day 

7 Simple Steps to Get More Out of Your Day 

 I’m sure I’m not the only one who wanderers where on earth the time goes!! Each week I have such great intentions of getting a whole list of things done, then I blink and it is already Friday! 

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like this!  In fact, in these busy times as we juggle a million things, time is probably our greatest resource. Why then do we never seem to have enough of it and it seems to pass so quickly.  While we can’t slow time down or create additional hours in the day, we can manage our time better. 

What we can do is make the most of the time we have. Here are some simple steps you can take to get the most out of your day.

    1. Plan your day the night before 

    At the end of each day write out all the things you need to do the following day to achieve your goals. Pull together all the information you’ll need, phone numbers and relevant paperwork.   


    2. Prioritise the list 

    Number each item and do the harder jobs first. There’s always the temptation to do the easy jobs first. However, think how the thought of doing the hard jobs hangs over you as you do the easy stuff. Think how good you’ll feel when the nasties are out of the way and how motivated you’ll feel.


    3. Stick to your list 

    Check off each item as you go and avoid distractions. You don’t need to answer every email/text as they come in. Set a schedule to check your email/notifications once every hour, or whatever works best for you.

    4. Don’t procrastinate 

    Procrastination really is the “Thief of Time” yet It’s so easy to put things off until another time or until  “I’ve had time to think about it.” 

    DO IT NOW!

    5. Plan your leisure time 

    Working until you burn out won’t  help you! 

    Schedule out time for you to relax, recharge, workout, go shopping, whatever it is that you enjoy and that your body and mind needs to work at it’s optimum. 


    6. Be honest with yourself 

    Keep asking – “Is what I’m doing now getting me to where I want to get to?” if the answer is “no,” change what you’re doing.  A good tip is to print out this question and stick it on the top of your computer where you can read it regularly to keep on track! 


    7. Remember the Three “D’s” 

    Do it, 

    Delegate it or 

    Dump it. 

     Handle each piece of paper only once. Either do something about it now, delegate it to someone else or throw it in the trash. And remember – “Only do it if only you can do it.”  

     I hope these tips have helped you.  All we have is the present moment so it’s important that we don’t feel like we are wasting it! It’s something I work on every day and, like most people, some days I’m much better than others!