Breathwork For Wellness

Breathwork For Wellness

Breathwork For Wellness The Power Of Your Breath   Why is our breath important? Our breath may be something we take completely for granted, however it can also be one of our most powerful tools when it comes to our wellbeing.  Over the past few years we have seen...
7 Simple Steps To Get More Out Of Your Day 

7 Simple Steps To Get More Out Of Your Day 

7 Simple Steps To Get More Out Of Your Day  7 Simple Steps to Get More Out of Your Day   I’m sure I’m not the only one who wanderers where on earth the time goes!! Each week I have such great intentions of getting a whole list of things done, then I blink and it is...
5 Things to Stop Doing on Instagram

5 Things to Stop Doing on Instagram

5 Things to Stop Doing on Instagram 1. Buying Followers Yes, its tempting when you see other people with 10k, 20k or even  hundreds of thousands of followers … and know that many of these have simply been bought. It can take a long time to grow to these kinds of...
5 Steps to Create Your Lead Magnet

5 Steps to Create Your Lead Magnet

5 Steps to Create Your Lead Magnet When you’re running a business, getting new clients is an important part of ensureing your success!  When it comes to marketing, there is a lot you can do but one thing you will hear again and again is how incredibly important email...