9 Simple Steps Self-Love Practices

9 Simple Steps Self-Love Practices

9 Simple Steps Self-Love Practices 9 Steps to Build Your Self-Love Practice Hands up if you have nailed self-love and practice it regularly? Hmmm, I suspect the hands in the air are few and far between, but if you’re one of them then well done! This is one of...
6 Tips When Using Hashtags

6 Tips When Using Hashtags

6 Tips When Using Hashtags With a fall in the use of social media of late, you may be wondering if hashtags are still relevant in 2022? The short answer is …  yes they are!  While instagram has certainly gone through enough changes to keep our heads spinning, the...
7 Simple Steps to Get More Out of Your Day

7 Simple Steps to Get More Out of Your Day

7 Simple Steps to Get More Out of Your Day 7 Simple Steps To Get More Out Of Your Day Where on earth does the time go! I’m sure I’m not the only one who wanderers this most days! Each week I have such great intentions of getting a whole list of things done, then I...
The Importance of Self Love

The Importance of Self Love

The Importance of Self Love The Importance of Self-Love Before we can begin to love someone else, it makes perfect sense that we first need to love ourselves.  Sadly, this is not something we learn much about at school or even growing up at home, when the focus is on...
5 Easy Practices for Better Mental Health 

5 Easy Practices for Better Mental Health 

5 Easy Practices for Better Mental Health  5 Easy Practices for Better Mental Health Thankfully mental health and mental wellness are now terms that most of us are very familiar with and hopefully areas of our lives that we pay a lot of attention to.   We now realise...