Top 5 Tips for Mental Wellness

These days, most of us know that our mental wellbeing is just as important as our physical health. But according to recent research (MIND)  the pressures of the last few years have seen 60% of adults and 68% of young people say their mental health has worsened during this time.  As we know, in order to live a happy, healthy life we need to feel well mentally.  

“Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but, importantly, YOU ARE NOT THE RAIN.”

Matt Haig

1. Exercise

Moving our body and staying active is a proven way to improve your mental wellbeing and elevate your mood. It doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym or suddenly  training for a marathon and can be as simple as a darily walk, swim, bike ride or anything you enjoy.  Dancing to a youtube tutorial, yoga, pilates, the list is endless.  Getting those endorphins flowing will soon have you wondering why you didn’t do this before. 


2. Take up a new hobby

During the pandemic, people found the time to take up hobbys they had wanted to for years or even decades.  This proved to be a wonderful way of not only connecting with their inner creativity but also boosting their mental wellbeing.  Whether learning a new instrument, new language,knitting or cooking,  hobbies are the perfect combination of mental stimulation and fun and are a wonderful way to  help you unwind from the pressures of daily life. Write a list of the things you’ve always wanted to try out.  Now get online and search for a suitable course or ask friends for a recommendation and book it! Don’t delay or it may never happen. 

3 Connect with others

Life is busy and it can often be difficult to stay in touch with friends and family as much as we would like to – but it’s important to find ways to connect, especially during difficult and challenging times.

If it’s not in our diary, often it won’t happen so make some time each week to catch up with friends and family.  If.meeting in person is not possible, then if a facetime,  phone call or zoom catch up are all equally good.  Plan it in and see how good you feel afterwards.

4. Practice Gratitude

The simple act of focusing on what we are grateful for. Try keeping a gratitude journal. At the end of each day, reflect on the positives, and write down something you’re thankful for, whatever that might be. Not only could it help you feel more positive, you might also find it boosts your mood long-term.


5. Get involved in your local community

Volunteering or getting invovled in local activities is a wonderful way to connec with others and has many benefits to our mental health. . With so many causes needing support, there are lots of ways to get involved physically or even virtually.  You can connect with others in your community and find ways to make good things happen.