Jo Boxer

Jo Boxer

Boxer Creative

Founder of Boxer Creative

Graphic Designers play an important role in any business.  Whether for website, logo’s or marketing material, their expert eye for design can make all the difference.

Having met Jo through an online networking group, I loved her down to earth energy and after seeing her amazing work, I decided to use her fab business, Boxer Creative to help me finalise Mindful Biz Academy logo and colours! Needless to say, I am incredibly happy!

Thank you so much for coming on here Jo to share your own journey setting up and growing your fab business.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and your journey to whereyou are today?

Yes of course. My background was as a Graphic Design in London working for Blue Chip clients at various creative agencies. We worked long hours, with some great brands and had some great times. Once I had my son I became a project manager so I could still liaise with clients, oversee the team but ultimately work flexible hours to suit being a new mother. When I became pregnant with my daughter, I decide the commute and long days were not right for me and so Boxer Creative was set up…. my 3rd baby as such.

How long have you been running your business?

It will be 5 years this October.

What do you love most about running your own business?

Meeting new people all the time and hearing about their business. The flexibility and the feeling of achievement when I hit the brief and have happy clients.

Be confident, there will always be someone you think is better than you but you have a niche or a skill that someone requires, and you know way more than you think you do.

Jo Boxer

Boxer Creative

There must have been challenges along the way, can you share any and your learnings from these?

My biggest challenge was letting go. I felt I had to wear all of the hats, design, build, project manage, new business, admin etc but actually the biggest change to my business was building up a great team around me. We support each other I get to focus more on the brand development that I love to do and client liaising and I still have complete control over my business and the work I produce. It’s good to delegate.

What tips would you give to people thinking of setting up their own business and do something they are passionate about?

Don’t expect to make your millions in your first few years, from myself and clients everyone has a great idea and expects everyone to know and buy their services immediately. But business is about trust, quality and recommendations. Social media is an amazing platform especially for e-commerce but when you are a service provider it takes time to build those relationships and grow your presence and client base.

Who or what inspires you?

Everything! I love art, nature and travel. I appreciate and respect the creative industry and love to follow others and see what they are working on.

What has been the best piece of advice that you’ve received along the way?

Get organised, use an accounting software like Xero or Freshbooks, use a project management tool and/or Calendly so you can keep everything streamline and

organised. Have someone run your social media once you get to a point when you are turning over a nice revenue.

What would be the one piece of advice you would give to someone who

wants to follow their passion and set up their own business?

Be confident, there will always be someone you think is better than you but you have a niche or a skill that someone requires, and you know way more than you think you do.

Where can people find you?

My website is the best place but I am in the process of launching a new one so they can check out my social media too.


Instagram: @boxercreative