Katharine Smith

Katharine Smith

Your Designed Living

Katharine Smith

Your Designed Living.com

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and what led you to setting up your own business?

After years of fussy eating I developed a hunger and love of cooking and food which I wanted to develop into….something… but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what. It was only when I fell pregnant with my second child that I knew I wanted to take this to the next step so I researched different avenues and the one that spoke to me was a diploma in Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching as it enabled me to develop my knowledge and help others achieve their goals too. I now support women who are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of supposedly healthy information and diets out there breaking it down and co-creating manageable steps and new habits to support them to achieve their health and wellness goals.

What do you love most about running your own business?

For me it’s helping clients move past the overwhelm and achieve their goals – their way. I love that I can dive deep to help them unlock what might be holding them back or causing them unwanted symptoms to creating a whole health approach and a plan that works for them and their life demands

“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”

Carol Burnett

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What keeps you energised during the difficult periods?

Apart from the colourful foods that brighten even the dullest day, it’s making sure I stay hydrated and to keep on moving, whether it be a walk out in the fresh air or a workout at home. For my coaching it’s usually it’s about taking a step back and focusing on what actually needs to be done (usually less than half the list), once I can tick those off I feel so much lighter and clamer.

Have you had many challenges along the way?

Lots! This last year alone has brought many challenges, not least with how I go about working with clients. However what this year has taught me is to take that step back, looking after myself and my family, to reframe when things don’t go according to plan and to pivot my plans – which most of the time actually ends up turning out for the better. Some of my best ideas, and work, has come out of these challenging times.

Who or what inspires you?

My clients inspire me, as when I see the changes they’re able to integrate into their lives and the difference it can make for them – it really is amazing to be part of as it can be life changing.  

What would be the one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to follow their passion and set up their own business?

Do it!! There’s something special in creating your own space in the world and putting your ideas and expertise out there to make your mark. When you work with a client or someone buys your product it’s the most amazing feeling.


Where can people find you?

You can find me at www.yourdesignedliving.com and on 

